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Current Research Projects

One of the main activites of AGC is the advancement of research in the Aviation Technology Department. On this page, current research topics conducted by AGC members are presented. If you have questions about our research projects or if you would like to get invovled, please contact Adam Landers

Operations Center

The Aviation Technology Department is seeking self-motivated graduate students to participate in the Department’s Operations Center, which is focused on tracking and monitoring multiple aspects of the operation of Purdue University’s aircraft fleet. The Operations Center is a component of A3IR-CORE, a University-level Center of Research Excellence involving both internally- and externally-funded applied research. Responsibilities will include managing the Research Center’s computer system, automating data inputs, troubleshooting various information systems, and more. This is a unique opportunity to jumpstart professional development, networking and resume building. If interested, please contact opscenter@purdue.edu.

Project with Delta Airlines

Applied External Research is one of the foundations of A3IR-CORE at Purdue. Delta Air Lines has launched a Human Factors Sustainability Initiative and partnered with Purdue University for access to research and data analysis. The project involves investigating impacts of safety from a human factors perspective in Delta's Line Maintenance division. Data is gathered from existing databases and reports. Graduate and undergraduate students also visit Delta's hub stations to carry out observations and surveys of line maintenance employees. They have so far been to Salt Lake City and plan to visit another three to five stations this semester.


Flight Safety Foundation Student Chapter

Purdue University and the Department of Aviation Technology is proud to host the first student chapter of Flight Safety Foundation. Flight Safety Foundation is an independent, nonprofit, international organization dedicated to research, education, advocacy and publishing in the field of air safety. The student chapter of FSF is currently working on an analysis of accidents in the US and the influence of Crew Resource Management. If you are interested, please contact the student chapter's president Rob Geske.